So You Didn’t Think We Should Boycott, Huh?

I’ll admit to being naive. I genuinely thought there was a chance that when Chris Klein’s contract expired this year, the Los Angeles Galaxy might actually let him go. When it was revealed the club had cheated under his watch (and in spectacular “Galaxy-under-Klein” fashion, still failed regardless), that he himself would be suspended, & […]

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Outer Wilds

How does one critique a game, while holding the view that in this particular case, revealing the merest detail beyond the opening five minutes, would be to inexcusably tarnish a would-be player’s experience? I’ve never played a game quite like Outer Wilds. Rarely does a game succeed so completely in what it’s trying to achieve. […]

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The Alien franchise, Metallica, the Walking Dead & the Los Angeles Galaxy: all things that used to be far better than are now. With some of these, there is debate as to where things went wrong. “Alien3” or “Resurrection”? “The Black Album”, “Load” or did things truly start to falter with “…Justice”? Did TWD jump […]

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